Pay Per Click Management


Give Boost helps clients manage their PPC campaigns towards their goals

Empowering Success: Give Boost Assists Clients in Steering PPC Campaigns Towards Achieving Their Goals.

From Google Ads to Facebook ads

From Google Ads to Facebook Ads: Amplifying Your Reach Across Platforms

Remarketing / Retargeting

Reignite Interest, Boost Conversions: Unleashing the Power of Remarketing and Retargeting Strategies.

program covers

Management Services Offered

Comprehensive Management Solutions Tailored for Your Success.

1. You Own The Account Sale

Empower Your Success: You Own the Account, We Drive the Sale.

2. Optimize for Conversions

Maximize Impact: Optimize for Conversions and Propel Your Success.

3. Report in Natural Language

Reports that Speak Your Language: Clear Insights Unveiled.

4. Set a New High Score Site

Achieve Excellence: Set a New High Score with Your Website.

5. No Long-Term Contracts

Freedom to Choose: No Long-Term Contracts, Just Results.

6. Dedicated Account Manager

Your Success Ally: Dedicated Account Manager On Standby.

advertising strategies

Give Boost Webinar: Pivoting Your Paid Advertising Budgets

Join the Give Boost Webinar for an exclusive dive into the art of pivoting paid advertising budgets. In this dynamic session, discover strategies to maximize your ad spend efficiency, harnessing the power of targeted campaigns. Our experts will share insights on adapting to market trends, ensuring your brand remains agile in the ever-evolving digital landscape. From Google Ads to Facebook Ads, learn to optimize across platforms for unparalleled results. Seize the opportunity to elevate your advertising game, making each click count. Don’t miss out on this essential guide to transforming your paid advertising approach. Reserve your spot now!


Attractive offers and building advertising campaigns that will generate leads

Attract, Convert, Succeed: Crafting Irresistible Offers and Building Lead-Generating Advertising Campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions

Monthly Management Fee Structuture

Transparent Excellence: Navigating Success with Our Monthly Management Fee Structure.


Embark on Success: Our Discovery Process Encompasses Kickoff Meetings, Strategic Planning, Budgeting, and Thorough Account Review/Setup.

Precision in Planning: Elevate Your Strategy with Expert Keyword Research & Grouping or In-Depth Audience & Demographic Research.

Launching Success: Streamlined and Strategic Campaign Setup Tailored to Your Goals.

Captivate and Convert: Elevate Your Brand with Expert Landing Page Design and Content Updates.

Want to Get a PPC Management Proposal from Give Boost?

Ready to Elevate Your PPC Game? Request a Management Proposal from Give Boost Today!

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